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關於個人資料(私隱)條例的通知 Notice relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance
由此表格取得閣下的個人資料 ,會根據個人資料(私隱)條例處理 。填寫本表格,表示閣下同意宏亞按揭證券有限公司及按計劃有限公司可使用、轉介閣下的個人資料至你選擇的銀行或金融機構作貸款申請用途。 即使閣下已同意按計劃有限公司使用/轉移你的個人資料至第三方作直接促銷,你仍有權隨時要求按計劃有限公司在不收費的情況下停止使用及/或轉移你的個人資料至第三方作直接促銷。
Your personal data we obtain on this form will be handled in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. By completing this form, you consent that Pan Asian Mortgage and PAMAC can use and refer your personal data to lender(s) selected by you for your loan application. Even if you have given consent to PAMAC on the use and /or transfer to third parties of your personal data for directing marketing, you may still have the right, at any time without charge, to request PAMAC to cease to use and/or transfer your personal data to third parties for direct marketing.
聲明及簽署 Declaration and Signature
我授權按計劃有限公司將本表格轉介予有關銀行/財務機構以安排上述物業之按揭貸款申請。我明白及同意按計劃有限公司可向有關銀行/財務機構收取有關服務費。我同意選用按計劃有限公司所提供之 "按計劃" 服務,現授權宏亞按揭證券有限公司在認為適當之情況下查閱我在環聯資訊有限公司之信貸報告。按計劃有限公司保留客戶之申請之最終決定權。按計劃有限公司有權隨時更改此條款及細則而毋須事先通知。如有任何爭議,按計劃有限公司保留一切最終決定權。
I authorize Pan Asian Mortgage Advisory Company Ltd. (PAMAC) to provide the relevant banks/financial institutions with this Referral Form for mortgage application purposes. I understand and agree that PAMAC may collect service fees from the relevant banks/financial institutions. I agree to sign up for the "Mortgage Planning" service provided by PAMAC, therefore I authorize Pan Asian Mortgage Company Ltd. to access my data held with TransUnion Ltd. for credit check purpose when deemed necessary. PAMAC reserves the right of the final approval of the loan application. PAMAC reserves the right to amend any of these terms and conditions without prior notice. All matters and disputes will be subject to the final decision of PAMAC.